vt set forth : to give an account or statement of; present (Eng : fully and clearly) : explain, describe (the ideal … is set forth with very detailed and precise description – R. A. Hall, b. 1911, W3W ● set forth (for discussion) (the president set forth his views in a television broadcastt ● propound : to offer for consideration, deliberation, or debate : put for solution : set forth (propound a doctrinep : propose (propound a questionp (propound a hypothesisp ● prefer : 1. to bring or lay (as a charge, complaint, or indictment) against a person (preferred charges against himp (won’t prefer chargesw 2. to bring forward or lay before one for consideration, decision, or action : propose (the young man seems to be preferring some request which the elder one is indisposed to grant – Ambrose Bierce, W3W ● put forth or before : bring forth or out ● proffer; present; advance or offer for consideration ● put forward (any single fact put forward in support of these fantastic charges – Kathleen Freeman, W3W (the organic theory of nature which I have been tentatively putting forward – A. N. Whitehead, W3W ● lay : 1. to present for consideration : put forward : assert, state, allege (lay claim to an estatel (laid an information against the Kitchen Committee … for selling liquor without a license – A. P. Herbert, W3W 2. to submit for examination and judgment (laid his case before the commissionl ● represent : to make representations against something : present objections : protest
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